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The 3 steps are Choose table, Choose variable and Show result. You are currently at Choose variable

Profit and loss accoun of the Basque Country by main variables and province (annual rates %). 2009 - 2014

annual rates %
EUSTAT. Construction statistics
Now you have come to the page, Choose variable. This page give you the oportunity to select which variables and values you want to display in your result of the table. A variable is a property of a statistical unit. The page is divided into several boxes, one for each variable, where you can select values by click to highlight one or more values. It always starts with the statistics variable which is the main value counted in the table.
Mark your selections and choose between table on screen and file format. Marking tips

Selected 0 of total 4

Field for searching for a specific value in the list box. This is examples of values you can search for.1. Net amount of the turnover , 2. Product stock fluctuations , 3. Work done on fixed asset ,

Selected 0 of total 21


Selected 1 of total 6

Number of selected data cells are:
(maximum number allowed is 900,000,000)

Presentation on screen is limited to 10,000 rows and 250 columns

Number of selected cells exceeds the maximum allowed 900,000,000
There are no footnotes

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