HomeDocumentationInternational Statistical Seminar

International Statistical Seminar

Since 1983, the Basque Statistical Institute (Eustat) has been yearly organising an International Statistical Seminar, where usually have room two or three monographic topics of interest for different collectives of professionals, university staff, researchers, etc.

The International Statistical Seminar has the following fundamental aims:

  • Facilitate the professional recycling of teaching professionals and international research whose activity is related to Statistics, not only as a teaching or research subject, but also as a professional work field (in special, in Official Statistics), or as a user.
  • Encourage collaboration between Eustat and the University, especially with the Statistics Departments.
  • Bring to the Basque Country illustrious international professors and researchers in statistical subjects, in order to know at first-hand the most recent developments either in the field of Official Statistics or in basic and applied statistical research, serving at the same time as an impulse for the strengthening of the international and institutional relationships of Eustat.

The courses that have been celebrated since 1983 in the International Seminar framework, are later published both in the original language in which has been given and, except some cases, in Spanish, also existing a brief summary in Euskara.

Next, there is a chronological list of celebrated courses, that includes the language in which has been given, even a brief biography of the professors corresponding to the year in which the course took place.

Each of the titles is linked to the index of its corresponding publication. For last year's courses, the complete publication is offered in PDF format.(If you do not have Acrobat Reader, you can get it from Adobe).


YEAR 2024subir

64.-Quality of Multisource Statistics

Authors: Arnout van Delden y Ton de Waal


64.-Documentation 1st day (zip, 4,67MB)

64.-Documentation 2nd day (zip, 12,7MB)


AÑO 2022subir

63.-Introducción a la extracción de información a partir de textos no estructurados

Profesor: Oier Lopez de Lacalle


63.- Documentación (zip, 8,8MB)

YEAR 2020subir

62.-Modelos mecanicistas y estadísticos para brotes epidémicos. El caso de la COVID-19 en Euskadi.

Autores: Inmaculada Arostegui, Dae-Jin Lee, Julien Riou y María Xosé Rodríguez Álvarez


62.-Documentación y programas de R (zip, 14MB)


YEAR 2019subir

61.-Estimation in small areas. Application to poverty indicators.

Authors: Isabel Molina Peralta y Juan Miguel Marín Diazaraque.


61.-Estimation in small areas. Documentation



YEAR 2018subir

60.-La visualización y difusión de datos para la comunicaión de la estadística.

Autor: Alberto Cairo.


YEAR 2017top

59.-"Statistical Disclosure Control" PDF Format (5 MB)

59.- Presentation PDF Format (3 Mb)

Authors: Peter-Paul de Wolf -Coordinator Centre of Excellence on SDC (European Commission)- and Rob Van de Laar -Member of Centre of Excellence on SDC-. Statistics Netherlands


YEAR 2016top

58.-"Big data for Official Statistics" Format PDF (600 Kb)

58.-Presentation PDF format (6 Mb)

Author: Peter Struijs (Department for Methodology and Process Development Statistics Netherlands)


YEAR 2015Up

57.-"Calibrated bayesian inference for sample surveys" PDF (8,1 Mb)

57.-Aurkezpena PDF (752 kb)

Author: Roderick Little (Department of Biostatistics. University of Michigan)


YEAR 2014Up

56.-"The use of administrative and accounts data for Economic Statistics" PDF (25,9 Mb)

56.-Presentation PDF (2,3 Mb)

Author: Daniel Lewis (Office for National Statistics, UK (ONS))


YEAR 2013Up

55.-"Statistical matching : Metodological issues and practice with R-StatMatch" PDF Format (656KB Mb)

55.-Presentation PDF (1,8 Mb)

Author: Marcello D'Orazio (Istat - Italian National Institute of Statistics)


YEAR 2012Up

54.-"Analyse Statistique des Données Spatiales (Livre)" (French version)PDF (2,2 Mb)

54.-"Analyse Statistique des Données Spatiales (Présentation)"(French version) PDF (2,2 Mb)

Author: Christine Thomas-Agnan. Université Toulouse


YEAR 2011Up

53.-"Web Survey Methodology: Interface Design, Sampling and Statistical Inference". (English)PDF (3029 Kb)

Irakaslea: MICK COUPER. University of Michigan


YEAR 2010Up

52.-"Muestreo Equilibrado Eficiente: El Método del Cubo". (English)PDF (1342 Kb)

52.1 Algorithms of sampling with equal or unequal probabilities". (English)PDF (798 Kb)

52.2 Balanced sampling by means of the cube method". (English)PDF (774 Kb)

52.3 The R `sampling' package". (English)PDF (201 Kb)

52.4 Un ejemplo de muestreo equilibrado".PDF (269 Kb)

Irakaslea: Yves Tillé. Institut de Statistique, Université de Neuchâtel

51.-"Visual Statistics: Materials for a short course". (English)PDF (1784 Kb)

51a.-Visualizing Statistics". (English)PDF (1636 Kb)

Autor: PEDRO M. VALERO-MORA. Universitat de València


YEAR 2009Up


Autor: STEFANO TARANTOLA & MASSIMILIANO MASCHERINI. European Commission, Joint Research Centre




YEAR 2007Up

48.- "RECORD LINKAGE" . PDF (578 Kb)

Autor: WILLIAM E. YANCEY. U.S. Census Bureau

47.- "VIRTUAL CENSUSES" . PDF (578 Kb)

Autor: SCHULTE NORDHOLT. Statistics Netherlands


YEAR 2006Up


Autor: ERIC RANCOURT. Statistics Canada


YEAR 2005Up

45.- "LONGITUDINAL SURVEYS METHODOLOGY" . (Spanish, English) PDF (0,59 Mb)

Autor: Peter Lynn (University of Essex).


YEAR 2004Up

44.- "New technologies in data colletion, questionnaire design and quality" . (English) PDF format(0,59 Mb)

Professor: Edith D. de Leeuw (University of Utrecht).

43.- "An introduction to bayesian statistics" . (English) PDF format (0,59 Mb)

Professor: José Miguel Bernardo Herranz (University of Valencia, Spain).


YEAR 2003Up

42.- "An introduction to model-based survey sampling" . (English) PDF format (0,73 Mb)

Professor: Ray Chambers (University of Southampton, U.K.).


YEAR 2002Up

41.- "Applied spatial statistics" . (English)

Professor: Jay Ver Hoef (University of Alaska, (Fairbanks, Alaska)) Only available in EUSTAT library .


YEAR 2000Up

40.- "Confidentiality and statistical data protection techniques". (English) PDF format (6,79 Mb)

Professor: Lawrence H. Cox (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency).

39.- "Statistical methodology for indirect estimations in small areas" . (English) PDF format (0,56 Mb)

Professor: Jon N.K. Rao (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada).


YEAR 1998Up

38.- "Methodology for a satellite account of household production". (English) PDF format (3,89 Mb)

Professor: Johanna Varjonen (Teacher of Home Economics at the University of Helsinki).

37.- "The replication method for estimating sampling errors" . (English) PDF format (2,94 Mb)

Professor: David Morganstein (Vice President of Westat Inc.)


YEAR 1997Up

36.- "Sampling Methods in Auditing and Intervention" (Spanish) PDF format (4,83 Mb)

Professor: Roberto Escuder Vallés (University of Valencia, Spain)

35.- "Statistical Techniques in Total Quality Management Processes in Services Enterprises and Organisations" (Spanish) PDF format (7,35 Mb)

Professors: Albert Prat Bartes y Pere Grima Cintas (Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona)


YEAR 1995Up

34.- "Residents Registration Systems and Statistics" (English) PDF format (7,8 Mb)

Professors: Pekka Myrskylä (Statistics Finland) y Wolfgang Mohr (Statistical Institute of Mainz, Germany)

33.- "Capture-Recapture Models: an Overview" (English) PDF format (6,68 Mb)

Professor: Kenneth Hugh Pollock(North Carolina University State in Raleigh, USA)

32.- "European System of Integrated Social Protection Statistics (ESSPROS)" (Spanish, English) PDF format (9,85 Mb)

Professors: Alfonso Barrada, Mercedes Alcalde (Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Madrid) and Cor N.Gorter(EUROSTAT, Luxemburgo)


YEAR 1994Up

31.- "Employment and Unemployment Statistics in the European Union" (Spanish) PDF format (6,94 Mb)

Professors: Bernard Grais, Aloïs Van Bastelaer and André Persenaire (EUROSTAT, Luxembourg)

30.- "Statistic-Econometric Methods for the Analysis of Economic Trend" (Spanish) PDF format (8,71 Mb)

Professor: Antoni Espasa (University Carlos III, Madrid)


YEAR 1993Up

29.- "Structural Equation Modelling with LISREL" (Spanish) PDF format (4,44 Mb)

Professor: Karl G. Jöreskog (University of Uppsala, Sweden)

28.- "Statistical Methodology in Environmental Research" (French) PDF format (13,76 Mb)

Professor: Roger Phan Tan Luu (University of Aix Marseille III)


YEAR 1992Up

27.- "Data Analysis and Automatic Numeric and Symbolic Classification" (French) PDF format (10,85 Mb)

Professor: Edwin Diday (National Institute of Computer and Automatic Research, INRIA, Paris)

26.- "Quality Control in Statistics from Administrative Registers and Records" (English) PDF format (7,23 Mb)

Professor: Hans Pettersson (Statistics Sweden)

25.- "Methodological Issues in Family Expenditure Surveys" (English) PDF format (15,09 Mb)

Professor: Malka Kantorowitz (Israel Central Bureau of Statistics)


YEAR 1991Up

24.- "Macro-Editing. Methods for Rationalizing the Editing of Quantitative Data" (English) PDF format (6,99 Mb)

Professor: Leopold Granquist (Statistics Sweden)

23.- "The National Accounting as a framework of Economic Variables Estimations" (Spanish) PDF format (6,67 Mb)

Professor: Vicente Antón Valero (Ministry of Economy and Finance, Madrid)

22.- "Income and Wealth, Inequality and Poverty Distribution: Theory, Models and Applications" (Spanish) PDF format (5,33 Mb)

Professor: Camilo Dagum (International Statistical Institute, ISI)


YEAR 1990Up

21.- -"The X11ARIMA/88 Seasonal Adjustment Method" (English) PDF format (5,14 Mb)

Professor: Estelle Bee Dagum (Statistics Canada)

20.- "Procedures of Editing Statistical Data" (Spanish) PDF format (6,0 Mb)

Professors: Ildefonso Villán Criado and María Soledad Bravo Cabria (National Statistical Institute, I.N.E., Spain)

19.- "Evaluation of Questionnaire Design Effects" (English) PDF format (3,94 Mb)

Professor: Gad Nathan (Hebrew University, Jerusalén)


YEAR 1989Up

18.- "New Technologies in Computer Assisted Survey Processing" (English) PDF format (2,73 Mb)

Professors: Jelke G. Bethlehem and Wouter J. Keller (Netherlands Central Bureau of Statistics)

17.- "Generalized Linear Models in Epidemiology" (English) PDF format (5,02 Mb)

Professor: John C.Duffy (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.)


YEAR 1988Up

16.- .-"Telephonic Surveys" (French) PDF format (3,46 Mb)

Professor: V. Salvy (SOFRES, Paris)

15.- "Sampling and Non-sampling Errors in Surveys" (English) PDF format (4,76 Mb)

Professor: Adam Marton (Hungarian Central Statistical Office)


YEAR 1987Up

14.- "Statistical Methods for Epidemiology Research" (Spanish) PDF format (5,0 Mb)

Professor: Luis Carlos Silva (Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana)

13.- "Data Bases" (Spanish) PDF format (4,29 Mb)

Professor: Félix Saltor (University Politécnica of Catalonia)


YEAR 1986Up

12.- .-"Analysis of Time series: Some Prediction Techniques" (Spanish) PDF format (5,79 Mb)

Professor: Inmaculada Gallastegi (University of the Basque Country, UPV-EHU)

11.- "Statistical Operations by Sampling" (English) PDF format (6,65 Mb)

Professor: Leslie Kish (International Statistical Institute, ISI)

10.- "Methodology and Treatment for Non-response" (English) PDF format (7,97 Mb)

Professor: Richard Platek (Statistics Canada)


YEAR 1985Up

8.- "Analysis of Chronological Series: The Statistical Indices" (French) PDF format (8,79 Mb)

Professor: Jacqueline Fourastié (National Conservatoire of Arts and Offices, Paris)

7.- "Intensive Basic Course of Sampling" (Spanish) PDF format (4,67 Mb)

Professor: José Luis Sánchez-Crespo (Autonomous University of Madrid)


YEAR 1984Up

6.- "Theory htmlects and Applications on Sampling" (Spanish) PDF format (5,04 Mb)

Professor: Francisco Azorín Poch (Autonomous University of Madrid)

5.- "Design of Experiments" (English) PDF format (7,94 Mb)

Professor: David J. Finney (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K)


YEAR 1983Up

4.- "Data Analysis" (French) PDF format (5,74 Mb)

Professor: Patrick Clapier (National Center for Scientific Research, CREDOC, Paris)

3.- "Statistical Education" (English) PDF format (4,77 Mb)

Professor: Vic Barnett (University of Sheffield, England, U.K.)

2.- "Sample Survey and its Applications" (Spanish) PDF format (2,84 Mb)

Professor: Enrique Cansado (University of Santiago de Chile)

1.- "Lineal Statistical Inference" (English) PDF format (5,98 Mb)

Professor: C. R. Rao (University of Pittsburgh, USA)


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