HomeServicesSummer coursesSummer courses programme 2011

Summer courses programme 2011


Run by: Cristina Prado Valle. Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Objectives: The course organised by EUSTAT this year seeks to be an opportunity for a thoughtful and deliberate look at the current Health System, one of the basic pillars of the welfare society and which is currently under debate, given our complex economic situation. The necessary requirements regarding the rationalisation of public spending, together with the progressive transformation of the imperative needs to be faced, are generating a transition in health systems. The course will set out the reflection and diagnostic processes and the approaches underpinning this transformation. This analysis will consider the situation and challenges raised by the Health System in our Autonomous Community, as well as in Spain and Europe.

This analysis will consider the situation and challenges raised by the Health System in our Autonomous Community, as well as in Spain and Europe.

This reflection will likewise include other fundamental aspects, such as the quality of our Health System or the role that innovation or the new technologies play. The current health inequalities within a universal coverage health system such as ours will likewise be considered.

A special section of this course will be dedicated to the main health indicators of our community and which enable a rigorous and comparative analysis to be conducted in this area. The course will be structured into two days.

On the first day, the situation and challenges of the health systems in Europe, Spain and the Basque Autonomous Community will be studied within the current economic situation.

The second day of the course will be spent dealing with the different aspect that impact, to a great extent, the quality of the health services and the health of the citizens.




- - - 18 JULY - - -

9:00 Documentation distributed

  • 9:30 “Current Situation and Challenges of the Health System in Europe and Spain”

    JOSÉ MANUEL FREIRE. (National Health School – Carlos III Health Institute. Madrid.)
    Power Point (19.903 KB)

10:30 Break

  • 10:45 “Situation and Perspectives of the Health System in the Basque Country”

    RAFAEL BENGOA. (Minister for Health and Consumers. Basque Government-Eusko Jaurlarit za. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
    Power Point (10.611 KB)

12:00 Break

  • 12:15 “Health at a Glance of the Basque Country: a Comparative Analysis”

    MARTA DE LA TORRE. Mª VICTORIA GARCÍA OLEA. (Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
    Power Point (79.905 KB)

13:30 Synthesis Session / Bibliography Session


- - - 19 JULY - - -

  • 9:15 “Health Inequalities”

    SANTIAGO ESNAOLA. (Ministry for Health and Consumers. Basque Government-Eusko Jaurlaritza. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
    Power Point (3.584 KB)

10:30 Break

  • 10:45 “Quality of the Health Services”

    SANDRA GARCÍA ARMESTO. (Aragon Institute of Health Sciences (I+CS). Zaragoza.)
    Power Point (7.863 KB)

12:00 Break

  • 12:15 “The Role of Innovation and New Technologies in the Health System”

    OLGA RIVERA HERNÁEZ. (Vice-Minister for Health Quality, Research and Innovation. Basque Government-Eusko Jaurlaritza. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
    Power Point (17.830 KB)

13:30 Synthesis Session / Bibliography Session

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