HomeServicesSummer coursesSummer courses programme 2015

Summer courses programme 2015

Tourism as a strategy for economic and social development

Directed by: Cristina Prado Valle. Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz.


  • To analyse the role of tourism within the economic development of a region, as well as its influence on the region's social fabric.
  • To analyse the various elements of the effect of tourism on the Basque economy and on the various provinces.
  • To analyse current and future challenges posed by tourist activity.
  • To understand the growth strategies implemented by public and private agents.
  • Innovating ways of assessing the tourism phenomenon, which may help in its management and development.


Summary of presentations (1.081 KB)


- - - 13 JULY - - -

8:45 Provision of documentation

9:00 h Presentation

Josu Mirena Iradi Arrieta
Director General of Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz
Cristina Prado Valle
Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz

  • 9:30
    “The importance of tourism in the Basque economy”
    María Victoria García Olea
    Javier Aramburu Irizar
    Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz

10:30 Break

  • 10:45
    “Innovation and Tourism”
    Javier Delgado Muerza (Travel EMEA Google. Madrid)

12:00 Break

  • 12:15
    “Micro-destinations, a new focus for management”
    Yenis Marisel González Mora (Instituto Canario de Estadística, (ISTAC). Santa Cruz de Tenerife)

13:30 Summary session / Literature review sessions


- - - 14 JULY - - -

  • 9:15
    “Economic and social importance of tourism: Future challenges”
    Pedro Ortun Silván. (Comisión Europea. Bruselas. Bélgica)

10:30 Break

  • 10:45
    “Promotion by the Administration: Basque Country Strategic Plan for Tourism 2020”
    Itziar Epalza Urquiaga. (Viceconsejera de Comercio y Turismo. Gobierno Vasco - Eusko Jaurlaritza. Vitoria-Gasteiz)

12:00 Break

  • 12:15
    “Current challenges and future perspectives of the Basque Country's tourist attractions. From the sector's perspective”
    Raúl Fernández Acha. (Hotel Silken Amara Plaza. Donostia/San Sebastián)
    Idoia Ezkurdia Iturrioz. (Nekatur. Donostia/San Sebastián)

13:30 Summary session / Literature review sessions

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