HomeServicesSummer coursesSummer course 2018

Summer course 2018

Demographic scenarios in the Basque Country: Where will we be in 2060?

Led by: Cristina Prado Valle

Place of celebration: Palacio Miramar, Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia/San Sebastián.

Official language of the activity: Spanish, Castilian Spanish

Activity objectives:

  • To provide information on the 2017-2031 Population Projections and the 2017-2061 Demographic Scenarios for the Basque Country prepared by EUSTAT.
  • Reflect on the opportunities demographic evolution generates in the social and economic spheres.
  • Present innovative schemes that prepare our society for demographic challenges.
  • Exchange of opinions between different professionals and specialists in the face of the evolution demonstrated by the demographic data, evaluating the repercussions on the coming decades.

Summary: The objective of this course is to give a detailed explanation of the different population scenarios prepared for the Basque Country for the period 2017-2061, via the following demographic phenomena: fertility rate, mortality and migrations. These scenarios will also be compared with the demographic evolutions in Spanish and European spheres.

Equally, the course also seeks to reflect on the opportunities generated by an ageing population structure in a society like that of the Basque Country in different spheres: social, economic and business. This reflection will also consider innovative projects supported by the public administrations and private initiatives along similar lines.


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09:00-09:30 Inauguration: Basque Government Minister for Economy and Finance.

09:30 - 10:30 Demographic Indicators of the Basque Country 2017-2061.

Enrique Morán Aláez
Head of the Sociodemographic Department. EUSTAT.
Maria Victoria García Olea
Deputy Director of production and statistical analysis. EUSTAT.

Demographic scenarios in the Basque Country: Where will we be in 2060.(PDF,423KB)

10:30 - 11:00 Break.

11:00 - 11:40 Demographic behaviour in the Basque Country and its surroundings: Demographic analysis of the fertility rate.

Daniel Devolver Pennaguer
Lecturer.Centre for Demographic Studies

fertility.(PDF, 331KB)

11:40 - 12:20 Demographic behaviour in the Basque Country and its surroundings: Demographic analysis of mortality.

Amand Blanes Llorens
Lecturer.Centre for Demographic Studies.

Three decades of mortality and survival of the Basque population (PDF, 401KB)

12:20 - 13:00 Demographic behaviour in the Basque Country and its surroundings: Demographic analysis of migrations.

Joaquín Recaño Valverde
Lecturer.Centre for Demographic Studies

An approach to internal and external migration in the Basque Country. (PDF, 728KB)

13:00 - 13:15 Debate with the speakers.


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10:15 - 10:45 Break.

10:45 - 11:45 R+D in ageing: opportunities for the Basque economy.

Karmele Acedo Gil
Manager. Integrated Social Services Group.

R+D in ageing: opportunities for the Basque economy.(PDF, 410KB)

11:45 - 12:00 Break.

12:00 - 13:00 ADINBERRI: An innovative scheme launched by the administration to address the challenge of an ageing population.

Ainhoa Aizpuru Murua
Deputy of Economic Development, the Rural Environment and Territorial Balance in Gipuzkoa. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

ADINBERRI: An innovative scheme launched by the administration to address the challenge of an ageing population.(PDF, 474KB)

13:00 - 13:30 Debate with the speakers.

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