Dissemination of newsletters (spanish/basque only)
The newsletters prepared by Eustat, that are available in this section, are distributed by email and aim to feature the most important statistical information on different areas and sectors of the Basque Country.
The information contained in these newsletters are the outcome of the endeavour and input of many different social and economic stakeholders of the Basque Country, that provide the necessary information to carry out the different Eustat statistical operations successfully.
Above all, these electronic aim to provide useful and quality statistical information, in keeping with the Eustat objective to disseminate statistical information to the greatest number of interested parties possible.
If you would like to receive future newsletters, just fill in this form and put the newsletter (or newsletters) to which you want to subscribe in the "information request” field
These are the types of newsletters available:
- Overview (quarterly)
- Municipal information (annual)
- Demography of the Basque Country (annual)
- Industry in the Basque Country (annual)
- Turism in the Basque Country (annual)
- Women in the Basque Country (annual)
- Information society and R+D+i in the Basque Country (annual)
- Teaching in the Basque Country (annual)
- Commerce in the Basque Country (annual)