HomeServicesEustat external presentations service

Eustat external presentations service

The fundamental goal of the Eustat external presentations service is to process quickly and efficiently the requests from companies, public administrations, social and economic stakeholders, universities and so on, that wish to learn more about all the Eustat services and operations face-to-face. The presentation lasts between 1 and 2 hours and is for groups of over 10 people at the location chosen by the party requesting the service.

Eustat has thus established a new channel to bring official statistics to basque society, which complies with its mission to fulfil the statistical needs of the citizens and social and economic stakeholders.

For further information contact with

  • tfno: 945 017512 - international: +34-945 017512
  • fax : 945 017501 - international: +34-945 017501

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