HomeCommunicationInformation ServiceRequests for customized statistical information

Requests for customized statistical information

  • Realization of specific computer operations
  • Statistical developments of all kinds
  • Estimate of the cost of the request regulated by the Order of current Prices: PDF format (284 Kb)
  • Wide range of discounts, according to the type of applicant
  • Tailored delivery dates
  • Delivery format chosen by the applicant (electronic spreadsheet, data base, ASCII file, etc.)
  • Delivery medium chosen by the applicant
    • Tel: +34-945 017569 - International: +34-945 017569
    • Fax : +34-945 017501 - International: +34-945 017501
    • e-mail: peticiones@eustat.eus


  1. Statistical data operations
  2. Requests attended from the Directory of Economic Activities of Euskadi (DIRAE)
  3. Files of individual registers (microdata)
  4. Geographic information

  1. Statistical data operationsup
    • "Customized" operations of all the statistics activities carried out by EUSTAT
    • Wide statistical coverage of demographic, economic and social fields
    • Guarantee of confidentiality
    • Sales prices according to the to the price per hour of work for statistical data operations (Article 4 of the Order of Prices) PDF format (284 Kb)
  2. Requests attended from the Directory of Economic Activities of Euskadi (DIRAE)up
    • DIRAE: It contains the establishments and companies operating in the Basque Country: primary sector: industrial, construction, commercial, hotel management and catering, education, health, public administration and all other services.
    • The directory includes the name or company name for each company or establishment, along with the full postal address, the business sector (CNAE code), along with a employment stratum or rank as an indicator of size.
    • Offers:
      • Full directory or partial sections based on different criteria: business sector, geographical sphere (provinces, municipalities, neighbourhoods, streets,…), employment stratum or rank and legal status.
      • Price depending on the number of registers requested. Article 2 of the Price Order. PDF format (284 Kb)
      • Statistical tables and graphs made to measure
      • Price according to price-hours of the statistical data work. Article 4 of the Price Order. PDF format (284 Kb)
      • Petition form. Pdf format (35 Kb)
  3. Files of individual registers (microdata)up
    • Files are provided containing individual registers of the censuses and surveys carried out by EUSTAT in demographic, economic and social fields
    • Anonymity is guaranteed for individuals, companies or units affected, when the information involved is subject to confidentiality
    • The applicant has the possibility of carrying out as many statistical operations as desired, from the microdata file
    • Sales price according to the volume of information supplied (Article 3 of the Order of Prices) PDF format (284 Kb)
  4. Geographic informationup
    • Provided on digital format, the directory of municipalities, neighbourhoods, population centres, population bodies, districts, sections, buildings, doorways and all their coordinates, with reference to the A.C. of the Basque Country, Province or Municipality.
    • Download geographic information on a municipality, including all the above-mentioned directories, plus others such as roads, tracks, paths, streams, buildings, etc.
    • Sales price according to the volume of information provided (Art. 2, section 2 on Pricing) PDF format (284 Kb)

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