HomeServicesSummer coursesSummer courses programme 2010

Summer courses programme 2010


Run by: Dña. Cristina Prado Valle. Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Objectives: In February 2008, the President of the French Republic, Nicholas Sarkozy, unhappy with the current economic indicators, particularly those based on the Gross Domestic Product, called for a Commission, headed by the Nobel Prizewinner, José E. Stiglitz, to be set up to study the limitations of those indicators to measure economic growth and social progress. The Commission was also asked to provide the necessary information to prepare the most important social indicators to measure social progress, assess alternative statistical tools to measure the social and economic situation, and to discuss the most appropriate presentation of the statistical information.

This course seeks to study and discuss the report published by the aforementioned “Stiglitz Commission”, with special emphasis on the following aspects:

  • Examining the main limitations of the GDP as an indicator for economic growth and social progress, along with the main recommendations of the Commission.
  • Fostering a debate on the feasibility and the appropriateness of the report.
  • Presenting existing indicators, in line with the report recommendations.
  • Establishing the statistical information in the Basque Country that complies with the recommendations envisaged in the report.

The course will be structured into two days. The first of them will seek to provide an overview of the reasons underlying the report and its main recommendations, followed by a discussion to discover the different points of view regarding the report.

The second day will focus on presenting the statistical indicators and measures, in line with the recommendations of the report, which are aimed at better measurement of Social Well-being, both in the Spanish State in and the Basque Country.




- - - 5 JULY - - -

9:00 h Documentation distributed.

  • Opening Session. (44,5 MB)

    Carlos Aguirre. (Consejero de Economía y Hacienda. Gobierno Vasco. Vitoria-Gasteiz)

10:30 h Pause

12:00 h Pause

13:30 h Summary session / Bibliographical session


- - - 6 JULY - - -

10:30 h Pause

  • 10:45 h "Social Well-being Measurements: Human Development Index”  (PDF format document 417 KB)   Power Point (566 KB) (139 MB)

    TERESA GARCÍA DEL VALLE. (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales. Bilbao. UPV/EHU.)
    CARMEN PUERTA GIL. (Facultad de CC. Económicas y Empresariales. Bilbao. UPV/EHU.)

12:00 h Pause

  • 12:15 h “Social Well-being Indicators in the Basque Country: Application of the Stigliz Report.”  (PDF format document 469 KB)  Power Point (2.855 KB) (186 MB)

    JESÚS RODRÍGUEZ MARCOS.(Dpto. de Justicia y Administración Pública. Gobierno Vasco-Eusko Jaurlaritza. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)

13:30 h Summary session / Bibliographical session

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