Summer courses programme 2008
Run by: Dña. Cristina Prado Valle. Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz.
Objectives: Social policies are becoming increasingly more important within advanced democratic societies, where social and economic policy decisions must seek to generate the greatest possible well-being for all citizens, by connecting the needs of the economy with those of the citizens.
This spirit underpins one of the targets of the European Union agreed in the Lisbon strategy (2000) for the coming decade, and where emphasis is placed on achieving the most competitive and dynamic economy in the world. That knowledge-based economy must be capable of combining economic growth with the best working conditions and increasing social cohesion.
Therefore, economic growth, improving the standards of living of the citizens and increasing social cohesion are fundamental aspects of the advanced societies’ political strategies. Economic growth is pointless if it is not aimed at providing its citizens with better working conditions and quality of life, and at reducing social inequalities.
Within this reflection framework, this course seeks to analyse the evolution of the following aspects in detail:
- The quality and standards of living of the citizens in the context of economic growth over the last 15 years, both in the European sphere and in the A.C. of the Basque Country.
- Analysing the evolution of social insertion during that time frame, with special emphasis on the current situation, characteristics and policies implemented in this area.
- Considering different approaches to this area.
The analysis of the citizens' standards of living appears to be very wide, as this concept includes a large number of aspects that will be discussed during the course. Dimensions such as the environmental, family and individual conditions will include such varied aspects as housing and local facilities, the families’ economic resources and income, personal and family relations, free time and leisure, work conditions, education and health.
The course is structured into three days: the first day will be dedicated to providing an overview of the subject in Europe and in the A.C. of the Basque Country; the second day will focus on the evolution of social inclusion through statistical analysis, the policies implemented and their evaluation. And finally, the third day will analyse in detail the latest studies on the standards of living within the A.C. of the Basque Country.
- - - 30 JUNE - - -
8:45 h Documentation distributed.
9:00 h Opening Session.
- Dña. IDOIA ZENARRUTZABEITIA BELDARRAIN (Vicelehendakari. Gobierno Vasco. Vitoria-Gasteiz)
9:15 h "Crecimiento Económico y Análisis de las Condiciones de Vida en el Ámbito Europeo". (PDF format document 24 KB)
- Karel Van den Bosch (Centro Herman Deleeck de Política Social - Universidad de Amberes - Bélgica.)
10:45 h "Crecimiento Económico, Pobreza y Desigualdad en el Ámbito Europeo" (PDF format document 18 KB)
- Karel Van den Bosch (Centro Herman Deleeck de Política Social - Universidad de Amberes - Bélgica.
12.15 h
"Crecimiento económico, condiciones de vida e inclusión social en el ámbito de la C.A. de Euskadi"
(PDF format document 57 KB)
- D. JON LEONARDO (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers-CNAM. Paris. Francia)
13:30 h Summary session
- - - 1 JULY - - -
9:15 h
"Inclusión social en el contexto de crecimiento económico de la C.A. de Euskadi de los últimos 15 años: políticas implementadas y resultados"
(PDF format document 26 KB)
- D. JOSEBA AZKARRAGA. (Consejero del Departamento de Justicia, Empleo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno Vasco. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
10:45 h
"Inclusión social y crecimiento del empleo de la C.A. de Euskadi en los últimos 15 años"
(PDF format document 26 KB)
- D. LUIS SANZO (Departamento de Justicia, Empleo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno Vasco. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
12:15 h
"Análisis de la situación de la inclusión social y perspectivas de futuro desde el trabajo social"
(PDF format document 21 KB)
- D. PABLO ANGULO. (Agencia Vasca de la Innovación - Berrikuntzaren Euskal Agentzia. Zamudio.)
13:30 h Summary session
- - - 2 JULY - - -
9:15 h
"Análisis de las condiciones de vida y su calidad en la C.A. de Euskadi y Entorno
Físico y Social como fuente de satisfacción"
(PDF format document 44 KB)
- Dña. ARANTZA RODRIGUEZ. (Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao.)
10:45 h
"Familia y relaciones sociales. Ocio y tiempo libre"
(PDF format document 62 KB)
- Dña. ANA GOYTIA. (Ocio y tiempo libre: presentación. PDF format document 314 KB) (Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao.)
12:15 h
"Salud y recursos sanitarios. Educación, empleo y condiciones de trabajo"
(PDF format document 63 KB)
- D. JOSU SOLABARRIETA. (Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao.)
13:30 h Summary session