HomeServiciosSummer coursesSummer courses programme 2009

Summer courses programme 2009


Run by: Dña. Cristina Prado Valle. Eustat. Vitoria-Gasteiz.

Objectives: The 1972 Stockholm Conference was the first time when it was internationally recognised that protecting and improving the Environment had an impact on economic development and prosperity worldwide. Later on, in 1987, the United Nations identified the link between the Environment and Development as a central problem to be tackled over the coming decades. The term “sustainable development” was coined at that time. This term is understood to mean development that meets the needs of the presents, without endangering the capacity to meet the needs of future generations.

Twenty years after Stockholm, a far-reaching intergovernmental agreement regarding the environment and economic development was reached at the United Nations conference at Río de Janeiro. It is embodied in a Declaration of Principles, a Framework Convention of Climatic Change, Convention regarding Biological Diversity and the Agenda 21. The latter is a genuine operating plan to implement what was agreed at the summit.

From then onwards, these principles have been part of European sustainability and environmental plans, which have resulted in a change of citizen, consumption, production and development policies and guidelines, where the need to assess and measure the results is a fundamental aspect.

Likewise, the Basque Country unveiled a 2002-2020 Basque Sustainable Development Environmental Strategy in 2002, which set the environmental goals for Basque society in this context of international and European sustainable development.

Within this framework and given the current importance of environmental policies, the following aspects are considered during this course:

  • Knowledge of the main environmental challenges in the international, European and Basque context.
  • Reflecting on the environmental indicators that are going to be used to assess the environmental policies.
  • Assessing to what extent the current economic crisis is going to affect the development or the contraction of environmental policies.
  • Establishing the contributions of the different social players to environmental policy.

The course shall be held over three days. The first day shall provide an overview of the theme, relating to the main European and Spain environmental challenges in the context of the economic crisis. Special emphasis will be given to the need to use indicators to measure the achievement of these challenges. The second day will be spent analysing the topic in the sphere of the Basque Country, together with the alternatives existing locally and in the field of renewable energies. The third day will an opportunity for the social agents, as well as the business sector and the general public to express their opinions.




- - -29 JUNE- - -

9:00 h Documentation distributed.

9:15 h “Desafíos medioambientales en un contexto de crisis en el ámbito europeo y estatal”. (PDF format document 1.094 KB)   Power Point (2.640 KB)

  • FERNANDO PRIETO. (Agencia Estatal de Evaluación de Políticas Públicas. Madrid.)

10:30 h Pause

10:45 h “La necesidad de medición de la sostenibilidad”. (PDF format document 22.469 KB)   Power Point (96.146 KB)

  • FERNANDO PRIETO. (Agencia Estatal de Evaluación de Políticas Públicas. Madrid.)

12:00 h Pause

12:15 h “Retos, estrategias y resultados de las políticas medioambientales en la C. A. de Euskadi” (PDF format document 9.980 KB)   Power Point (28.973 KB)


13:30 h Summary session


- - - 30 JUNE - - -

9:15 h “Medidas implementadas contra el cambio climático en la C.A. de Euskadi y medición de los resultados” (PDF format document 646 KB)


10:30 h Pause

10:45 h “Industria, energía y medio ambiente. Energías renovables ¿alternativa real en la C. A. de Euskadi?”   (PDF format document 1.786 KB)

  • JOSÉ IGNACIO HORMAETXE.(Director del Ente Vasco de la Energía. Bilbao.)

12:00 h Pause

12:15 h “Las políticas medioambientales desde el municipio. UDALSAREA21”  (PDF format document 723 KB)   Power Point (2.855 KB)

  • JOKIN BILDARRATZ.(Euskadiko Udalen Elkartea/Asociación de Municipios Vascos. Bilbao.)

13:30 h Summary session / Bibliographical session


- - - 1 JULY - - -

9:15 h “Las estadísticas medioambientales en la Euskadi. La Estadística Medioambiental dirigida a familias”   (PDF format document 430 KB)   Power Point (1.518 KB)

  • MARIVÍ GARCÍA OLEA. (EUSTAT. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
  • ENRIQUE MORÁN. (EUSTAT. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)

“La construcción de indicadores mediambientales. Los Residuos y la Actividad Económica”   (PDF format document 305 KB)   Power Point (350 KB)

  • JOSE JABIER ZURIKARAI. (Departamento de Medioambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Eusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno Vasco. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)
  • JOSE ANTONIO MARTÍN MONTES. (EUSTAT. Vitoria-Gasteiz.) (Departamento de Medioambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Eusko Jaurlaritza-Gobierno Vasco. Vitoria-Gasteiz.)

10:30 h Pause

10:45 h “La ciudadanía, agente principal para la sostenibilidad”   (PDF format document 1.018 KB)   Power Point (2.679 KB)

  • JUAN LÓPEZ DE URALDE. (Greenpeace España. Madrid.)

12:00 h Pause

12:15 h “Políticas medioambientales desde la empresa”   (PDF format document 805 KB)   Power Point (2.980 KB)

  • JESÚS MURGA. Izaite (Asociación de Empresas Vascas por la Sostenibilidad). Zamudio. Bizkaia.

13:30 h Summary session / Bibliographical session

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